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December 1, 2014
The odds were stacked against Ruben Rodriguez. When the 27-year-old UC Merced student was still in high school, he was confronted with a sobering statistic that Hispanics receive only 5 percent of all doctorates awarded. “That’s always stayed with me,” said Rodriguez, who was born in Mexico and...
December 1, 2014
Professor Laura Hamilton's research is cited as she studied students’ grades and compared levels of parents’ contributions.
December 1, 2014
Professor YangQuan Chen has done small-scale testing of drone technology that can collect data on the condition of agricultural crops.
November 26, 2014
From understanding how groups of atoms behave at ultra-low temperatures to modeling how flocks of birds organize, UC Merced's Physics group is helping solve many of the world's mysteries and using the knowledge to improve technology, ranging from computing to solar energy conversion. “Physics uses...
November 26, 2014
Professor Elliott Campbell comments on the most efficient way to use farmed crops to power vehicles.
November 24, 2014
Note: This story originally appeared in the Fall 2014 issue of UC Merced Magazine. Before it infects humans who breathe it in, the fungus that causes valley fever changes shapes in the environment. Once infected, some people fight it off while others die. If scientists can determine how that shape-...
November 21, 2014
Agriculture may not have been required for year-round, permanent settlement of the Tibetan Plateau, says Mark Aldenderfer, an archaeologist at UC Merced.
November 21, 2014
A grant awarded to UCMerced and the Merced County California Regional Obesity Prevention Program from NIH's Child Health and Human Development Institute allows academics from various disciplines to engage directly with community members affected by obesity.
November 21, 2014
UC Merced archaeologist Professor Holley Moyes has spent two decades crawling into jungle-choked caves to answer one question: What drove the Maya to make offerings in such dark, remote places?
November 20, 2014
Graduate Studies at UC Merced offers an experience like none other. Our award-winning faculty work beside their graduate students in close-knit labs that allow for collaboration across disciplines. We offer competitive funding opportunities and a low cost of living. Pursue your graduate degree at...
