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January 26, 2015
Professor Kara E. McCloskey will speak this week about cardiovascular stem cell engineering as part of the Modesto Area Partners in Science (MAPS) lecture series. The free talk will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 30, in Sierra Hall 132 at Modesto Junior College’s West Campus. It’s open to anyone...
January 26, 2015
In the fall semester, UC Merced Senior Lecturer Virginia Adán-Lifante offered extra credit to students who volunteered to translate a portion of the Valley Crisis Center website into Spanish. The opportunity reflected Adán-Lifante’s longstanding commitment to service learning. And on a campus that...
January 23, 2015
First hosted at UC Merced in 2011, the CITRIS Mobile App Challenge is a semester-long competition that blends education, prototyping skills and teamwork to empower students to develop apps for societal benefit. The challenge is expanding this year to include teams at UC Davis and UC Berkeley....
January 22, 2015
Even when we don’t notice it, service is a huge part of everyday life, from the people who make our morning cups of coffee to the doctors who save our lives, said Professor Paul Maglio, the founding director of UC Merced’s new California Center for Service Science. As traditionally measured, the...
January 21, 2015
For survivors of sexual assault and related offenses, simply determining where to go for help can seem overwhelming. Since 2010, UC Merced’s campus advocate has offered free and confidential services to students, faculty and staff who are survivors of or have questions about sexual assault, dating...
January 20, 2015
Researchers at the University of California, Merced, have completed a comprehensive map of the genetic makeup of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. By comparing the genomes of more than 300 melanomas, the researchers were able to identify mutational hotspots that give rise to cancer. The...
January 14, 2015
UC Merced sociologist Laura Hamilton has gained national attention since the 2013 release of the book she coauthored, “Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality.” The book, which illustrates the ways in which large state universities perpetuate inequality and inhibit social mobility by...
January 13, 2015
The University of California, Merced, has shortlisted three multifaceted development teams from a field of six that submitted detailed proposals for the next major phase of campus construction, scheduled to begin in 2016. The shortlisted teams for the 2020 Project are EP2 Developers, E3 2020 and...
January 12, 2015
The University of California, Merced, received 19,932 undergraduate applications for Fall 2015, the campus’s largest pool of applicants in its first 10 years and a 14 percent increase over last year’s total of 17,469. “It’s wonderful to see that interest in our campus continues to climb,”...
