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May 4, 2015
A UC Merced researcher has come up with a new, super-efficient encryption system for smart phones that lets users secure data being sent to and retrieved from the cloud. Encrypting data on your phone or tablet — including pictures, documents and videos — protects against the kinds of leaks and...
May 1, 2015
For senior Jessica Nguyen, UC Merced has fueled more than academic preparedness — it has sparked her fervent interest in civic leadership. Nguyen has been involved in the Women’s Program’s Lift While You Lead mentoring network for the past two years. The goal is to increase high school graduation...
April 30, 2015
The 2015 UC Merced Leadership Awards were held this evening (April 30) at the Wallace-Dutra Amphitheater. Presented by the Margo F. Souza Student Leadership Center, the awards recognize and celebrate students, staff and faculty members, and student organizations who are doing remarkable things on...
April 29, 2015
Chemistry Professor Hrant Hratchian is part of a delegation of academics at the Coalition for National Science Funding’s (CNSF) advocacy day in Washington, D.C., today. Hratchian will show his lab’s research with an exhibit titled, “Better Living Through Computational Chemistry.” “We use computers...
April 29, 2015
UC Merced Professor Carolin Frank is helping figure out how a certain bacteria helps promote healthy tree growth by studying the bacteria’s genome sequence. In the new paper, published in the open-access journal mBio, Frank and research colleagues in Finland said their discoveries could have...
April 27, 2015
Graduate student Jason Davis doesn’t use a traditional lab to study prion diseases. Instead, he relies on computer modeling and applied mathematics. Working with Suzanne Sindi, a professor of applied mathematics at UC Merced, Davis is trying to unlock the mysteries of prions and the destructive...
April 24, 2015
Professor Matthew Zawadzki explains that leisure activities have immediate benefits in terms of lowering stress and reducing heart rate, and those benefits can persist for hours.
April 23, 2015
The use of images and direct questions by health communicators on Facebook tends to increase user engagement, though linking to external websites and videos does not. Posts conveying positive emotions have no clear impact on engagement, while negative ones — including expressions of depression,...
April 22, 2015
Daniel Sabzehzar didn’t initially think of UC Merced as a strong contender when weighing his choices for college. In fact, he was days away from selecting another university when UC Merced offered him a volleyball scholarship. Sabzehzar took another look at the UC’s newest campus — and this time...
April 22, 2015
For the first time, UC Merced made the Princeton Review’s list of the most environmentally responsible colleges. The education services company — known for its test prep and tutoring services, books and college rankings — features UC Merced in the 2015 edition of its free book, The Princeton Review...
