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Lorena Anderson

October 17, 2024

A group of researchers at UC Merced has found that climate change means it takes about three months longer for California to recover from drought, and probably longer. “Climate change has fundamentally changed the odds of getting out of drought. It has weighted the dice,” said Emily...
Professor Sora Kim examines a fossilized shark's tooth.
Most people wouldn’t think sharks can teach researchers about the planet’s distant past and its more immediate future. UC Merced paleoecologist Professor Sora Kim isn’t most...
Vicky Espinoza presents her story at a recent symposium.
Graduate student Vicky Espinoza shared the plight of some San Joaquin Valley families with a wide audience this spring in her role as a Next Generation delegate to this year’s Chicago Council...
A picture of a soil chronosequence in Hawaii shows yellow sulfur-rich soil that has built up over millions of years.
A rigorous, first-of-its-kind global study provides new insights into the natural history of soil biodiversity and shows that changes in soil pH during soil development is a major driver of most of...
Join Joerg Heber, editor-in-chief at the journal PLOS One for his talk, “Advancing Open Science at PLOS One” followed by a panel discussion in the Leo and Dottie Kolligian Library, Room...
MSE student John Misiaszek
Each year, only two ASM International/SAMPE scholarships are awarded to students throughout northern California. This year, UC Merced junior John Misiaszek is one of them. Misiaszek conducts...
A child is surrounded by air pollution from traffic.
Children who live near major roads are at higher risk for developmental delays because of traffic-related pollutants. That’s the major finding of a new study authored by UC Merced...
Waterbirds take flight over a large wetland area along the Pacific Flyway.
Climate change is having a profound effect on the millions of migrating birds that rely on annual stops along the Pacific Flyway as they head from Alaska to Patagonia each year. They are finding...
Two professors are researching how to predict those who is most likely to use firearms to commit suicide.
The majority of people who die by suicide do so with firearms, and there were more firearm suicides in America in 2017 than there were homicides committed by any method. Combined. Those shocking...
Rose Scott engages with a child to gauge his reactions as part of her research.
Certain aspects of children's social cognition ripple throughout their lives, including whether small children can understand that other people’s minds are different than their own. That...


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