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December 13, 2018
UC Merced researchers have evidence that California’s forests are especially vulnerable to multi-year droughts because their health depends on water stored several feet below ground. “Each year our forests, grasslands and shrublands depend on water stored underground to survive the...
December 13, 2018
The French Meadows Forest Restoration Project, an innovative collaboration approved this week, aligns the expertise of the Sierra Nevada Research Institute at UC Merced, the U.S. Forest Service, the Nature Conservancy and other agencies and groups to focus on reducing wildfire risk in a critical...
December 13, 2018
Identify a problem and figure out a way to fix it. For senior Jesus Perez, this is the overarching theme of UC Merced’s biannual Innovate to Grow showcase, and his project, the Mobile Maker Lab. About 30 teams from Engineering Service Learning (ENGSL) and Capstone Innovation Design...
December 12, 2018
A new effort is underway to lay the groundwork for the next major development at UC Merced — a fourth school, this one with the Gallo family name on it. The planning initiative is a faculty-led effort to create a new, transdisciplinary school that draws upon the expertise of scientists,...
December 11, 2018
Growing up in San Juan Bautista, Vanessa Andrade loved hanging out with her father and his collection of cars and tractors. She spent hours in the “barn” or shop, helping change the oil in cars, playing with tools and tinkering with her grandfather’s old Allis-Chalmers tractor...
