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March 4, 2025

Professor Michele Nishiguchi talks to a group of Plainsburg Elementary School students at a science outreach event.
The Biology Integration Institute (BII): The Institute for Symbiotic Interactions, Training and Education in the Face of a Changing Climate, or INSITE, stands out because it is supported by $12.5 million from the National Science Foundation, one of the largest NSF grants UC Merced has ever received...
Most people wouldn’t think physics has anything to do with baby babble and human language development. But most people aren’t Ritwika Vallomparambath PanikkasserySugasree. The...
Two projects from a UC Merced engineering lab are making interactions with mobile devices easier and quicker, especially for blind people. Computer science Professor Ahmed Arif and his students...
Strubbe Recognized for Research, Teaching and Service to Department Physics Professor David Strubbe has been named a Cottrell Scholar, winning one of only 25 of the prestigious $100,000 grants...
The Bobcat culture of giving will be celebrated with cookies and fun on Thursday, as the campus marks UC Merced Philanthropy Day hosted by the Student Alumni Association. “The annual...
Leily Kiani (’16) is one of 21 former Bobcats who currently work at LLNL, strengthening the bond between the university and national lab.
Just 90 miles from the future of higher education — UC Merced — lies one of the epicenters of the future of technology, innovation and national security. Regardless of the route you...
Competitions, showcases, career success stories and more highlight the work of the School of Engineering and its students at UC Merced’s annual celebration of National Engineers Week, Feb. 18...
Professor Joel Spencer was a rising star in college soccer and now he is an emerging scientist in the world of biomedical engineering, capturing — for the first time — an image of a...
UC Merced students in the Leadership & Service Living Learning Community take in the view from atop Mount Tamalpais.
Hiking to the top of Marin County’s iconic Mount Tamalpais gave a group of UC Merced students not only a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean, but insight into how they, as individuals, can...
UC Merced students will be able to earn money for college by helping Merced County kids become strong readers thanks to a pilot grant from the AmeriCorps Service Fellowship program. The grant,...


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