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Political Science

June 25, 2024

Graphic art of a person talking to a group
A UC Merced professor and his co-researchers set out to measure how Jewish Israelis react to different sources of criticism about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Does disapproval from internal voices move public opinion? Voices from abroad? What about reproval from the diaspora —...
Logo of UC Merced's Community and Labor Center
A partnership among UC Merced's Community and Labor Center and several Fresno area community groups was able to predict accurately the Fresno results for the gubernatorial recall election held...
Department of Political Science Chair and Professor Jessica Trounstine will deliver remarks on race and regulation as part of a lecture series hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Law...
Name: Alisha Nesslage Year: Third Majors: Philosophy and Political Science Hometown: Denair What is a memorable project that you worked on during your time at UC Merced? The most...
Name: Christopher Thomas Moreno Year: Fourth Year Major: Political Science Hometown: Bay Area (West – San Mateo; East – Union City) What are some memorable projects you have...
Two faculty members and three graduate students who are working on food systems, food security and food sustainability research have received small grants through the UC Global Food Initiative (GFI...
How does socioeconomic inequality affect people? Seeing expensive items such as cars, which function as signs of social class, can potentially influence people’s political behavior according...
Political Science Professor Jessica Trounstine is the first faculty member to receive the UC Merced Foundation Board of Trustees Presidential Chair.
Political science Professor Jessica Trounstine has been awarded the inaugural UC Merced Foundation Board of Trustees Presidential Chair. This chair was created to recognize the excellent...
Alumna Tessa Provins's time at UC Merced not only informed but inspired her passion to always keep growing in the political science field.
For Merced native Tessa Provins, the opportunity to attend UC Merced for her graduate education was a chance to come home again — but it wasn’t simply the familiar location that drew her...
Though illustrations have been used to convey ideas and information since before language existed, after Benjamin Franklin published the world’s first editorial cartoon in 1754, comics emerged...


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