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Earth Systems Science

February 20, 2024

The latest installment of North State Public Radio’s Blue Dot podcast focuses on the UC Natural Reserve System and the national parks and features a segment about the UC Merced ¿field curious? program. Sponsored by the UC Merced Natural Reserve System (NRS), ¿field...
Students with a drone in a field with cows
The May 1 deadline is fast approaching for students to apply for the San Joaquin Valley Food and Agriculture Cyberinformatics Tools and Science (FACTS) bridge program, a paid summer research...
Graduate students stand before the Beginnings sculpture.
Graduate students who are passionate about their research, concerned about the environment and eager to reach across disciplinary boundaries are invited to apply for a three-week summer program in...
Environmental Systems Ph.D. student Zachary Malone was awarded the Ecological Society of America’s (ESA) Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award. This award provides graduate...
Professor Sora Kim
A team of eight scientists from around the country is organizing a new project to foster belonging and participation among Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students in the geosciences...
Ocean after a hurricane.
Even the tiniest organisms have a surprisingly huge effect on life in the oceans, eating up the last bits of oxygen in certain areas, preventing larger marine life from surviving there, a new study...
Fourth-graders at a Merced elementary school are introduced to agriculture-related sciences by undergrads in the FARMERS program.
Students at UC Merced and those who might someday become Bobcats are the focus of FARMERS, Professor Rudy M. Ortiz’s training program funded again for $1 million by the U.S. Department of...
Professor John Abatzoglou
An upside of the increase in forest fires in the West is that they reduce the amount of fuel available for other burns. That might provide a buffering effect on western fires for the next few decades...
Professor Xuan Zhang
Lots of people look at clouds and think about flying, floating or the shapes they see. When atmospheric chemistry Professor Xuan Zhang looks at clouds, she thinks about tiny particles in the air....
Professor Rebecca Ryals, left, talks to students in her lab.
Human waste isn’t a topic most people want to talk about. But environmental systems Professor Rebecca Ryals embraces the subject, especially when it comes to mitigating climate change,...


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