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November 5, 2015
Update, 10:40 a.m. Nov. 5: The UC Merced campus — except for the Classroom and Office Building (COB) — will reopen today at noon so that faculty and staff can access their offices to conduct crucial businesses. (Faculty members who must gain access to COB today must request a police escort.)...
November 5, 2015
With the exception of the Classroom and Office Building, restricted access to the UC Merced campus has been lifted. Classes are canceled for today but will resume on Friday, Nov. 5.  Meanwhile, the Division of Student Affairs has released the following information regarding student services...
November 4, 2015
UC Merced Chancellor Dorothy Leland issued the following message to the campus community in the wake of the stabbing incident earlier today on the UC Merced campus: Dear members of the campus community, This is not a message any chancellor wants to deliver. But sadly, today’s events have shaken all...
November 4, 2015
Updated 4:30 p.m. PT, Nov. 4 Four people were injured and a suspect is deceased after a stabbing incident on the University of California, Merced, campus this morning (Nov. 4). The suspect, a male student, was shot by police and later died from his injuries, according to the UC Merced Police ...
November 3, 2015
Members of the UC Merced Alumni Association’s Alumni Campus Employees (ACE) chapter stepped up this Halloween to help with the annual Boys and Girls Club Trunk or Treat event, a safe alternative to traditional trick-or-treating. This summer, while brainstorming ideas on ways get involved in the...
November 2, 2015
Young people who are neither employed nor pursuing an education are vulnerable to mental health issues like depression and anxiety, but their commitment to finding work is surprisingly strong according a recent study coauthored by UC Merced Professor Sidra Goldman-Mellor. Long interested in the...
October 30, 2015
UC Merced is rapidly rising among the nation’s top universities, as evidenced by the campus’s growing number of appearances on national and statewide “best schools” lists. As the campus celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and looks toward its next phase of growth, at least four revealing...
October 29, 2015
Professor Jessica Trounstine shows that cities that are more racially segregated are also more politically polarized, which makes it harder to raise taxes to fund important public services.
October 29, 2015
Almost $2 million in grants will go a long way toward helping Professor Christine Isborn and colleagues at other universities learn more about the molecular processes involved in capturing solar energy, energy storage and telecommunications for the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense...
October 28, 2015
Professor Cristián Ricci won’t find himself in the classroom sharing his love of Spanish and Moroccan literature with UC Merced students this fall. That’s because he’ll be busy in his new role as director of the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) in Chile and Argentina. Ricci, who is also serving...
