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Undergraduate Students

August 30, 2024

Shakespeare in Yosemite
More than 170 students have enrolled this fall for classes in UC Merced’s new environmental humanities major, a degree that will prepare them to be advocates and storytellers for the living world. The debut of the bachelor of arts degree is the culmination of years of preparation by...
Five words from one of American history’s most famous speeches inspired Dalton Rogers to contribute to society. He was called to public service in high school when he read President John F. Kennedy’s...
For Helen Dahman, college was always more marathon than sprint. Now 73, Dahman was just out of high school when she took her first college classes. But she wasn’t ready then and instead entered the...
The entrepreneurial mindset is as much an inherent part of the atmosphere at UC Merced as it is at any start-up. But now two students, Eduardo Rojas-Flores and Nick Fong, are on a mission to help...
Improvements for a ubiquitous device that cools high-powered electronics aboard military aircraft could do more than just earn a group of engineering students their senior capstone design credits. It...
UC Merced students are now using some of the latest and most popular Microsoft Office applications without having to dig into their wallets. The free software is available under Microsoft’s Student...
TaNayiah Bryels didn’t get the lead role of Mary in her first-grade Christmas pageant, but it did spark a lifelong interest in theater. The UC Merced student has been acting ever since, landing parts...
Graduate school is a constant state of discovery, something UC Merced alumna Jackie Shay credits for her current passion: fungus. Shay just returned home from a month in the humid climes of...
California’s drought is a major topic, including on the UC Merced campus.   It will be among the subjects explored during this year’s Research Week, from March 10 through 14. The annual event...
University of California, Merced, was chosen as one of a dozen campuses across the nation to bring to life a new program designed to inculcate innovation and entrepreneurship in undergraduate...


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