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Mechanical Engineering

January 31, 2025

A student is depicted in front of a poster describing the almonry stockpile project at UC Merced.
Helping diplomats navigate new cultures, removing mircroplastics from stormwater and automating raisin processing: These are some of the projects awarded winning scores at UC Merced's fall Innovate to Grow event. Innovate to Grow, or I2G as it's known on campus, is a twice-a-year...
Image depicts a scene of grass, sidewalks and a large UCM at UC Merced.
As water becomes an ever more precious and unpredictable resource, particularly in the Central Valley, finding ways to precisely irrigate crops is a valuable tool in the fight against climate change...
A mugshot of Professor Roberto Andresen Eguiluz is depicted on a graphic background.
Understanding how bacteria and other organisms stick to surfaces in wet environments could help develop better products ranging from medical adhesives to specialized boat paint. UC Merced chemical...
Photo depicts Professor Debora Lyn Porter and a blue and gold background.
Mushrooms are pretty amazing. They are light and porous yet have a high strength-to-weight ratio. They are absorbent. They can serve as filters. Manufacturing a material that mimics mushrooms and...
graduate student wearing black presenting to the group
UC Merced’s Department of Mechanical Engineering held its first Graduate Symposium on Nov. 2, marking a successful day of research presentations and community engagement. Graduate students...
What would it take to connect the University of California's campuses in Merced, Berkeley, Davis and Santa Cruz with a safe and sustainable system of air taxis that ferries students, faculty,...
New UC Merced student Antonio "Tony" Lopez-Blanco
  This is part of a series of profiles of new UC Merced Bobcats enrolled for the fall 2024 semester. After diving into robotics in high school, Antonio "Tony" Lopez-Blanco is...
UC Merced students look at high-speed rail tracks during a site visit.
California high-speed rail, a multibillion-dollar project designed to connect the Central Valley to Los Angeles and the Bay Area, promises swift transportation, the protection of agricultural land...
Graduate students from UC Merced’s three schools will take the stage to compete in the Graduate Division’s 10th Grad Slam finals on April 8.
Who will UC Merced’s Grad Slam champion be? Cheer on the finalists on April 8 and find out. Graduate students from UC Merced’s three schools will take the stage to compete in the...
UC Merced logo
Graduate student Samuel Leventini comes from a long line of educators, and the tribology researcher thinks he might want to follow in those footsteps. Thanks to a new supplemental grant from the...


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