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October 4, 2018
Writing poetry can lead to increased innovation in science, according to a new article in BioScience that came about because of a Twitter connection between UC Merced and Swansea University in Wales. As part of National Poetry Month, UC Merced launched a hashtag encouraging community members...
October 2, 2018
When fourth-year public health major Rochelle Mulondo heard about UC Merced’s Student Success Internship (SSI) program, she jumped at the chance to apply and gain real-life work experience that would boost her professional skills. As a CalFresh outreach intern, her role was to increase...
October 1, 2018
Forty million years after dinosaurs went extinct, one of the largest predators that ever prowled Earth’s oceans emerged, feeding the imaginations of modern scientists and the nightmares of modern movie audiences. Megalodon — the name means ‘giant tooth’ — appeared...
October 1, 2018
A new grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will help UC Merced further diversify its community of graduate students and faculty, beginning with the humanities and humanistic social sciences. “Diversity of background and perspective drives creativity and innovation, and a diverse...
