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October 15, 2018
It’s that time of year again - time to show your Bobcat pride at UC Merced’s annual Homecoming celebration. Students, staff, faculty, alumni and the community are welcome to the two-day event, which will include a downtown block party for the first time. The event kicks off Friday...
October 11, 2018
UC Merced is part of a concerted effort to dramatically increase diversity in physics and astronomy over the next five years. The campus is one of nine University of California campuses and 15 California State University campuses awarded a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation...
October 9, 2018
To further his fundamental research into solid oxide fuel cells and other high-temperature electrochemical energy systems, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Professor Min Hwan Lee its prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award. The grant brings the campus’s...
