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May 23, 2024

UC Merced students look at high-speed rail tracks during a site visit.
California high-speed rail, a multibillion-dollar project designed to connect the Central Valley to Los Angeles and the Bay Area, promises swift transportation, the protection of agricultural land and contributions to a cleaner environment. It's also providing a lot of jobs - from design to...
Psychological Sciences Ph.D. student Maria Ramirez Loyola is working to understand why some people are better equipped than others to handle stressful experiences.
From a young age, Maria Ramirez Loyola has been fascinated by the trait of resiliency. Her mother escaped an abusive marriage and fled from Mexico to the U.S. with two small children in tow....
UC Merced celebrates Research Week from March 2-6 to highlight the ground-breaking work taking place at the University of California’s newest campus. The annual week of events, sponsored by...
Leily Kiani (’16) is one of 21 former Bobcats who currently work at LLNL, strengthening the bond between the university and national lab.
Just 90 miles from the future of higher education — UC Merced — lies one of the epicenters of the future of technology, innovation and national security. Regardless of the route you...
Professor Eric Walle with Penelope and her mom, Jessica Mohatt, in a scene from the new Netflix docu-series "Babies."
Psychology Professor Eric Walle found something interesting when he studied babies who were walking compared to those who were crawling: Babies who walk are not only more mobile, they have...
Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will give a speech on the future of civic engagement as part if interim Chancellor Nathan Brostrom's speaker series.
Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will give a speech on the future of civic engagement as part of UC Merced interim Chancellor Nathan Brostrom’s speaker series. Villaraigosa was...
Bioengineering Professor Victor Muñoz has answered a long-standing genetic mystery, and his research suggests that someday, bioengineers could devise ways to control gene activity — manually...
Competitions, showcases, career success stories and more highlight the work of the School of Engineering and its students at UC Merced’s annual celebration of National Engineers Week, Feb. 18...
Professor Joel Spencer was a rising star in college soccer and now he is an emerging scientist in the world of biomedical engineering, capturing — for the first time — an image of a...
Professor Sarah Kurtz has become the first UC Merced faculty member to be elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in recognition of her contributions to the development of gallium...
