Kamil Williams-Fisher is enjoying the summer in her hometown of Los Angeles before starting classes this fall at UC Merced.
A graduate of St. Mary's Academy in Inglewood, she first heard about the newest UC from another Bobcat. However, she initially didn't apply because the university's location was so foreign to her.
It wasn't until Williams-Fisher checked her inbox and came across an email regarding UC Merced's Count Me In program that she gave the campus a second look. This exclusive program provides students who meet the minimum requirements for UC admission a second opportunity to apply to UC Merced.
Williams-Fisher admits she didn't think she would be offered admission.
Her family has moved around Southern California, but now she's ready to head north on her own and enjoy a change of scenery.
"I love that the campus is surrounded with nature and excluded from the busyness of loud cities," Williams-Fisher said. "I also enjoyed the city overall; despite it not being very developed it goes to show the potential Merced has along with the university."
The next couple of years will be full of hard work, but she is used to challenges. During her time at the Catholic high school for young women, she juggled all her classes while being part of the Health Career Pathway that focuses on education of various topics in the medical field.
She served as an executive officer for the Ambassadors Club, helping welcome freshmen and facilitating campus tours. She also held a lead role in campus ministry to assist with prayer services and retreats.
During her sophomore and junior years, she was a member of the volleyball team, and she capped off high school with cheerleading in her senior year.
Williams-Fisher said the biggest influence on her academic career has been her family and thanks them for always having faith in her.
"All their belief in me and just the right amount of nudging is what brought me to enrolling at UC Merced," she said. "Without their support, I wouldn't have done all the things I did and plan to do."
The new Bobcat plans to major in psychology. She hopes to become a social worker who works with children in the foster care system or a psychologist who works with young children on the spectrum.