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June 3, 2021
The Merced 2020 Project continues to be an energizing social infrastructure for UC Merced and has brought the campus numerous awards and honors. In May, the university received another — a $1.7 million design incentive from PG&E, the most significant amount given by the company this...
June 3, 2021
A UC Merced professor is collaborating with faculty from UCLA and the University of Illinois in a study that aims to find how people might best deal with COVID-19 at home. Jennifer Hahn-Holbrook, a professor of health psychology and the director of the Lactation Attachment Technology and Child...
June 1, 2021
Half a world away from California’s Central Valley is a place with similar climate but an unparalleled diversity of plants, marine animals and ecosystems. From deserts to shrubland to montane forests, the diversity of life in South Africa’s Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) is the...
May 28, 2021
Every year, the Office of Research Development (ORD) a unit within the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) facilitates a Faculty Agency Trip to Washington, D.C. The trips consist of one-on-one meetings with agency program personnel. Faculty discuss their research concepts and...
May 27, 2021
The fallout from the coronavirus pandemic has been felt around the world. COVID-19's grip has affected people's mental health and sense of what was once normal, prompting them to turn to new and familiar behaviors to help cope. According to a new study published in the International...
May 26, 2021
A group of researchers harnessing the power of light to control gene expression has dramatically improved its method, optimizing speed and precision, and opening new research avenues for scientists who employ optogenetics — the use of light and genetic engineering to control cells. A new...
