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March 11, 2021
Name: Erika Estrada Rodriguez Year: Third Year Major: Sociology Hometown: Panorama City What is a memorable project that you worked on during your time at UC Merced? During my time at UC Merced, I have been able to be part of the Undergraduate Research in the...
March 10, 2021
UC Merced master’s student Selina Brinkmann has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship for study at Oxford University — a first for the campus. “A Rhodes Scholarship being awarded to one of our UC Merced engineering students is an amazing first,” School of Engineering Dean...
March 9, 2021
Physics Professor Daniel Beller has received a CAREER award for his research into how complex organization arises from simple physical interactions for biological cells or polymers assembled in large numbers. He is the 26th researcher from UC Merced and the sixth from the Department of Physics...
March 8, 2021
International Women’s Day is more than a day to celebrate the fantastic females around us. It is a day to reflect on the contributions women have made both socially and politically around the world. Women across the globe have used their gifts and talents to help others in myriad ways, and UC...
March 8, 2021
Professor Marc Beutel and his graduate student Mark Seelos have been recognized for papers and a presentation on toxic mercury mitigation by the North American Lake Management Society. Beutel, an environmental engineer, co-wrote two of a group of three papers named Best Paper of the Year at...
