UC Merced will present its live sexual harassment prevention training this month.
“A Life Theatre Production on Sexual Harassment Prevention,” will be in Room 120 of Classroom and Office Building 1 on the following dates:
All employees must complete in-person or online training according to the University of California’s Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence. “A Life Theatre Production on Sexual Harassment Prevention,” fulfills the mandatory training requirement for faculty, staff, and supervisors and provides education about sexual harassment through several scenarios acted out by the cast and followed by interactive discussion with the audience.
For credit to be applied, CatCards are required for attendees to sign in and out of the training. Those who’d rather take the online course can register here.
A system-generated notification with detailed instructions was sent by email to UC Merced employees required to complete this training. Employees can also view required training and due dates in the UC Learning Center. After logging in with your UCMNetID, click on the “Required Training” button that will take you to “Training Analysis” where you’ll see required trainings and deadlines.
For more information about the requirement, online options, and registration instructions, please visit http://ethics.ucmerced.edu/mandatory-training/shp. If you have questions about training requirements, please email the Ethics and Compliance office.
If you experience technical issues or have trouble with registration, please contact hrtraining@ucmerced.edu.