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September 10, 2014
Extreme changes in seasonality in the Sierra Nevada can have lasting impacts on meadow health and could mean less water and carbon storage in high elevation wetlands, according to research conducted at UC Merced. The results of work by then-graduate student and current staff member Chelsea Arnold...
September 10, 2014
Thousands of UC students soon could receive checks to offset some of their college-related expenses through a new state program aimed at assisting middle-class families. UC officials estimate that roughly 24,000 UC students qualify for funding through California’s Middle Class Scholarship, which...
September 10, 2014
UC Merced researchers will develop a virtual center to support parents and caregivers, as well as health and other professionals in detecting and treating Merced County children with developmental disorders, work made possible by a grant from First 5 Merced County. Psychology Professor Jeff Gilger...
September 8, 2014
As the climate warms, sources of the water so critical to life everywhere on Earth are drying up. By the end of this century, communities dependent on freshwater from mountain-fed rivers could see significantly less water, according to a new climate model recently released by University of...
September 4, 2014
UC Merced is recruiting three students to be part of the UC Global Food Initiative, which aims to address how to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025. The campus has three $2,500 food fellowships open to undergraduate and graduate students, and...
September 4, 2014
2015 was remarkable for UC Merced in many ways. Look back with us at our growth, our discoveries, our celebrations and more.
August 31, 2014
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of UC Merced's opening day as we look back at the campus's beginnings.
August 30, 2014
UC Merced welcomes the new class of first-year students as they move in and cross the Scholars Lane Bridge in an annual campus tradition.
August 30, 2014
Two UC Merced graduates have started a local educational nonprofit called BEAT – Biology Engineering Agriculture and Technology – with the mission to increase science literacy in the Central Valley. Hour-long presentations to third- through eighth-graders cover topics like organic chemistry,...
