Started in 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is observed in October across the nation. UC Merced’s Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) Office is hosting events and programs to help raise awareness and support prevention.
During October, the campus community is invited to show support for survivors of domestic violence by participating in the second annual UC Merced CAREs campaign. Last year, 38 boxes containing new clothing, self-care and personal hygiene items were donated to Valley Crisis Center to be given to survivors entering a shelter.
Individuals, departments, clubs and organizations are encouraged to sponsor a CAREs box for an infant, toddler, school-aged child, mother and child, or father and child. Email ucmcare@ucmerced.edu with the preferred box type to participate. Filled CAREs boxes are due by Oct. 31.
DVAM events include:
- Vagina Monologues Info Session — 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 19 in Kolligian Library, Room 397
The Vagina Monologues at UC Merced is an empowering theatrical production working to end violence against women. Last year, the cast and crew raised nearly $4,000 for the Valley Crisis Center and educated over 500 members of the Merced community. Come to this information session to learn more about how to get involved in this year's production a cast, crew, or volunteer. Can’t make this session? Contact tfugere@ucmerced.edu for more details.
- Coffee and Communi-Tea — 5-7 p.m. Oct. 19 in Student Services Building, Room 160
Dating and domestic violence looks different in different communities. Come learn about how to identify the warning signs of violence and discuss various healing strategies while examining the intersectionality for women of color. Dinner will be provided while supplies last.
- Grad Student Chat on Healthy Relationships — 12-1 p.m., Oct 23, in Classroom and Office Building, Room 272.
Join the CARE Office and fellow graduate students to discuss what healthy and unhealthy relationships look and learn how to combat media sources that romanticize unhealthy relationship characteristics.
- FAIRGround Healthy Relationships Events with Housing and Residence Life — 5-7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 in the CAT Quad
Join CARE and Housing and Residence Life for an evening of entertainment and education. Learn how to recognize the signs of unhealthy and abusive relationships and what you can do to change the culture surrounding this crime.
For more information about Domestic Violence Awareness Month events, contact CARE Program Coordinator Taylor Fugere at tfugere@ucmerced.edu.
Brenda Ortiz

Senior Public Information Representative
Office: (209) 228-4203
Mobile: (209) 628-8263