For the first time, UC Merced made the Princeton Review’s list of the most environmentally responsible colleges.
The education services company — known for its test prep and tutoring services, books and college rankings — features UC Merced in the 2015 edition of its free book, The Princeton Review Guide to 353 Green Colleges.
Some of the key factors considered in the listing are whether students have a quality of life on campus that is both healthy and sustainable, how well schools prepare students for employment in an increasingly green economy and how environmentally responsible a school’s policies are.
“With strong sustainability policies, campuswide sustainability efforts and having all of our buildings LEED certified by the U.S. Green Building Council, UC Merced deserves its place among the country’s greenest schools,” Assistant Vice Chancellor for Strategic Facilities Planning Graeme Mitchell said. “It’s quite an honor to have the Princeton Review recognize our work.”
The Princeton Review pointed out the growing interest in green colleges by college-bound students, and a survey conducted by the company notes that 61 percent of the students said having information about a school’s commitment to the environment would influence their decision to apply to or attend the college.
The Princeton Review profiles provide information about each school's admission requirements, cost and financial aid, and student body statistics, as well as green facts about each school, including transportation alternatives and the percentage of the school food budget spent on local and organic food.
Lorena Anderson
Senior Writer and Public Information Representative
Office: (209) 228-4406
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