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May 11, 2006
At the end of May, graduate student Daniel Santillano will celebrate his birthday, and he can’t think of a better gift than being among the first to graduate from UC Merced. The Sacramento native is one of three students participating in the first commencement exercise on May 11. After graduating...
May 11, 2006
Representatives from UC Merced and community health organizations gathered at the campus entrance on May 2 to commemorate World Asthma Day by raising UC Merced’s air quality flags for the first time. Campus health services director Greg Spurgeon hosted the event, welcoming UC Merced staff members...
May 5, 2006
For information about Chancellor Carol Tomlinson-Keasey’s announcement of her resignation effective August 31, 2006, and also details about the search process for a new Chancellor at UC Merced: More information will be posted as it becomes ...
May 4, 2006
MERCED — A living legend is making his mark with the next generation at the University of California, Merced. David Johnson, who photographed important moments in African-American life and history throughout the 20th century, now resides in nearby Atwater. Johnson is seizing the opportunity to...
May 3, 2006
The Native American Cultural Education Association and the University of California, Merced present The 4th Annual UC Merced Benefit Spring Powwow “Our Youth: Achievement through American Indian Education” Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. UC Merced, 5200 Lake Road, Merced FREE...
May 3, 2006
Students who have been offered freshman admission for the Fall 2006 semester at UC Merced have been granted an extension to file their Statement of Intent to Register (SIR). Incoming freshmen are now welcome to submit their intent to register through Friday, May 19, 2006. Directions for students...
May 2, 2006
It’s the time of year when students camp at the library, worship caffeine and believe professors are out to get them. In other words, it’s finals time. Elizabeth Boretz of UC Merced’s Student Advising and Learning Center and a few students who have managed to step away from their books have tips...
May 1, 2006
MERCED - UC Merced is cooperating with the Merced/Mariposa County Asthma Coalition to help keep the campus and the community informed about the quality of the air they breathe. A color-coded flag will fly at the campus entrance each day to alert passersby whether or not the air is considered...
April 27, 2006
Merced, CA - UC Merced will host several events next week about the assorted issues related to immigration that are currently at the forefront of national debate. UC Merced Chancellor Carol Tomlinson-Keasey today (April 27) announced the debut of the Chancellor’s Forum on Immigration, to be held on...
April 25, 2006
MERCED - The UC Merced School of Natural Sciences will hold its second annual Health Careers Day for high school and community college students on Thursday, May 4. The day will consist of a series of educational activities and workshops to teach students about careers in the health sciences and...
