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November 5, 2014
When people get near California’s giant sequoias, they usually look up.   But Professor Steve Hart looks down, and what he finds beneath the trees has intrigued him.   The trees, some of which could be more than 3,000 years old, appear to influence the soil, increasing the pH and the levels of...
November 3, 2014
In an effort to combat the increasing rates of obesity among Latino residents, the University of California, Merced and the Merced County Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program will join forces. Funded by a three-year, $90,000 grant from National Institutes of Health’s Eunice...
October 30, 2014
Six development teams have strongly indicated their interest in partnering with the University of California, Merced, to realize campus growth plans for 2020. A second round of requests for qualifications (RFQ) yielded extremely detailed statements of qualifications (SOQ) to participate in the 2020...
October 29, 2014
Professor K. Barry Sharpless of Scripps Research Institute and the 2001 winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry, will offer a chemistry seminar at UC Merced at 3 p.m. Friday in COB 120. His pioneering work on asymmetric catalysis, which earned him the prestigious award, led to the discovery of...
October 29, 2014
Professor Masashi Kitazawa wants to figure out if any environmental factors increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease – specifically, whether elevated levels of copper in drinking water play a role. A new $2.6 million, five-year grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health...
October 28, 2014
Angel Barragan took the long road to UC Merced. Growing up here, there and everywhere in the state, the high school dropout focused on survival. An injury ended his career in construction, but opened the door for him to pursue his dream of education and ministering to others. At 34, the sociology...
October 27, 2014
The November election is the high-stakes election, Professor Nathan Monroe says.
October 27, 2014
Jefferson Kuoch-Seng is now the official voice for the University of California’s roughly 240,000 students — the first UC Merced student ever to serve in that role. In August, Kuoch-Seng was elected president of the University of California Student Association (UCSA) by its board of directors. The...
October 23, 2014
California Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera will share his new children's book about Hispanic American heroes with local youth next month, an event sponsored by the UC Merced Center for the Humanities and Merced County Library. The event, focused on what it means to be a hero, will also feature...
