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Social Sciences

August 19, 2024

A cohort of six UC Merced political science students traveled to Sacramento for the CAPE Legislative Bootcamp.
UC Merced political science students returned to Sacramento to get first-hand experience at California’s Capitol with internships. The Center for Analytic Political Engagement (CAPE) Legislative Bootcamp is led by CAPE’s Director Professor Nathan Monroe and Associate Director Adam...
The Popol Vuh, the ancient Mayan creation myth, has permeated several classes at UC Merced this year, offering undergraduate students several ways to learn more about Mayan culture. The focus on the...
Watch Full Episode on PBS. See more from Cave People of the Himalaya. Mark Aldenderfer, dean of UC Merced’s School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, is featured in a National Geographic...
An innovative community-university partnership to empower San Joaquin Valley residents to analyze and communicate their most pressing challenges launches in Fresno this month. The Participatory...
Studying ancient remains, exploring caves, publishing books, leading workshops and presenting papers are just a handful of the things that will keep faculty busy this summer in the School of Social...


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