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April 1, 2024

Conceptual art of emotion brokering
UC Merced researchers are shedding light on a little-explored aspect of cross-cultural communication that involves no spoken words but sometimes can cause confusion and anguish for children acting as interpreters for older family members. The moments are common in California’s Central...
Ann Hinesley-Perez's original academic plans didn't involve law school — or even UC Merced. Hinesley-Perez was born and raised in Merced, but with UC Merced still in development, she left town in...
Self-identified social smokers are less likely to try to quit and to avoid smoking for more than a month, according to a national study in the American Journal of Public Health conducted by...
UC Merced Professor Rose Scott studies how young children begin to understand the social world and all its complexities. It happens sooner than most would think. Babies who are three months old can...


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