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Politics & Society

June 25, 2024

Graphic art of a person talking to a group
A UC Merced professor and his co-researchers set out to measure how Jewish Israelis react to different sources of criticism about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Does disapproval from internal voices move public opinion? Voices from abroad? What about reproval from the diaspora —...
The annual Shakespeare in Yosemite production is just one avenue for environmental humanities students to get involved.
Compelling storytelling is vital to ensuring the action needed to secure a habitable planet for future generations, according to an increasing amount of research. UC Merced is recruiting students...
After taking part in the UC Merced Center for Analytic Political Engagement 's inaugural legislative boot camp, students say they are better prepared to take on the first internships of their...
Global Arts Studies Professor Yehuda Sharim has published a new photo essay, “A Map of Light,” on the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI)’s digital...
New students or those who have not yet chosen their majors will have an array of options before them. Five new majors and several new emphases, ranging across all three schools, are all coming...
One of the 2020 Black Lives Matter marches.
You know that warm, uplifting feeling you get when you see someone going out of their way to help other people? You might get goosebumps or even a tear in your eye, and something inside you might...
Field researcher at California's tidal pools.
It's time for the campus and the community to celebrate UC Merced’s high-level research during Research Week, March 6 through 10. The annual research showcase, hosted by the Office of...
Sociology Professor Charlie Eaton's study of the relationships between financialization (the growing importance of financial markets, organizations and ideas) and growing inequalities in...
For the first time, UC Merced faculty members from each of the campus’s three schools have been chosen as principal investigators on some of the 21 exciting new projects that are being funded...
California Governor Gavin Newsom talks with students in a UC Merced political science class Monday. Nov. 7, 2022
    A day before the midterm election, Gov. Gavin Newsom made a surprise visit     to a political science class at UC Merced.     Newsom was...


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