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August 22, 2024

Nearly 140 faculty and students from universities across the nation attended the three-day conference MERCURY held at UC Merced
UC Merced was the site of the 22nd Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate computational chemistRY (MERCURY) Conference held in mid-July. “MERCURY is delighted to have the University of California, Merced, host this year’s annual meeting on the campus,”...
The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) has named environmental systems Ph.D. student Kate DeMarsh a recipient of the 2023 Next Generation Fellowship. The UCAR fellowship is...
UC Merced Professor Wan Du
UC Merced Professor Wan Du has received a CAREER award for his research on energy efficient building management. He is the 36th researcher from UC Merced to earn a CAREER award from the...
Researchers Jeanette Cobian-Iñiguez, Stephen Hart and Roger Bales.
A grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will fund a project led by a UC Merced researcher looking into predicting behavior of wildfires. Jeanette Cobian-Iñiguez is leading a team...
Professor Suzanne Sindi
UC Merced is part of several new initiatives aimed at increasing the accessibility and inclusivity of data science studies and opening new opportunities for historically underserved students after...
Professor Sora Kim
Although there has been a lot of talk this summer about paleoecology Professor Sora Kim’s research on the now-extinct megalodon shark, there is another focus to her work: BAJEDI, or belonging,...
Alumnus Edwin Shen designed a multi-material bioprinter with novel features that improve resolution and embed hydrogels with concentration gradients of small molecules.
You could almost say Edwin Shen was destined to become a bioengineer. His mother, a medical doctor, practices pathology in Northern California, and his father retired from a career as a mechanical...
Professor Martha Conklin
Professor Martha Conklin started her career at UC Merced at the Castle Research Facility, and it began with a frightening surprise. “I had a baby rattlesnake in my office,” she said....
Ashlie Martini is the associate director for the Center for the Mechanical Control of Chemistry.
Understanding the atomic-scale mysteries of "crushing" chemistry is the goal of an expanding research center with a newly awarded $20 million investment from the U.S. National Science...
Chancellor Juan Sánchez Muñoz and Professor Teenie Matlock at the dedication of Toloma Grove.
In the early days of building UC Merced, founding faculty member Teenie Matlock took on lots of tasks that were well outside her job description. Over the years, she expanded her service to the...


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