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Graduate Students

December 18, 2024

Three males standing
First-generation doctoral student Josiah Beharry made history in 2023 when he was chosen as the first student regent from UC Merced. In addition to being the 50th student to serve on the Board of Regents that governs the University of California system, Beharry also is the first publicly...
UC Merced sits in an ideal spot for students, faculty and staff who want to engage in an active, outdoor lifestyle. The Outdoor Experience Program (OEP) capitalizes on UC Merced’s location with its...
After two months on the job, UC Merced’s first full-time medical director has already entrenched himself in campus life and understanding student needs. Dr. Brandon Boggs, a Merced native, has...
UC Merced was awarded the Allied Professional Award from the Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus this month at the group’s annual ceremony in Washington, D.C. Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, and Rep...
  When Trevor Albertson (’09) started as the California deputy secretary for veterans services last summer, his longtime focus on higher education came in handy right away. Considering his department...
Former California Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante will deliver the keynote address at the University of California, Merced’s commencement on May 12. Bustamante, who was at one time the nation’s highest...
From the campus’ own undergraduate and graduate students to distinguished faculty members from here and abroad, Research Week at the University of California, Merced, will offer a wide range of...
When Andrea Rodarte began studying physics, she first wanted to look to the stars for answers. Instead, she’s finding them in nanoparticles. “The people I know who went into astrophysics only get to...
Graduate student Marco Valesi is turning a scholarly lens on an emerging form of expression. He searches cities for art that appears without the approval of authorities. Few scholars across the globe...


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