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Graduate Division

June 18, 2024

A graphic depicts UC Merced's ranking of 109 among top graduate schools, according to U.S. News & World Report.
The vision of the School of Engineering at UC Merced is to be a leader in research, education and innovation. Based on U.S. News & World Report's 2024-2025 edition of Best Graduate Schools rankings released today (June 18), the school is doing just that. The School of Engineering...
author Jorge Cham speaks to a group of graduate students during a visit to UC Merced.
“Raise your hands if you want to know a secret,” acclaimed author and cartoonist Jorge Cham instructed a crowd of young children. Hundreds of tiny arms shot up in unison toward the...
Navigating Ph.D. programs is notoriously challenging, and the qualifying exam stands as a major milestone all students must achieve. To support Ph.D. students in this critical checkpoint, the...
Ph.D. candidate Ambarish Varadan will compete in the UC Grad Slam finale livestreamed starting at 10:30 a.m. Friday, May 3.
Earlier this month, Ambarish Varadan competed in UC Merced’s Grad Slam finals and seized the title of Campus Champion. This was the second time the Quantitative and Systems Biology (QSB) Ph....
UC Merced's Professor Valerie Leppert at Bobcat Day
Fernando Malagon and his mom stood at the head of a line for guided tours of the university he plans to attend this fall. The informational stroll around UC Merced would be more for her than for him...
Three UC Merced graduate students and two undergraduate alumni were recently offered fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). “I am...
Graduate students from UC Merced’s three schools will take the stage to compete in the Graduate Division’s 10th Grad Slam finals on April 8.
Who will UC Merced’s Grad Slam champion be? Cheer on the finalists on April 8 and find out. Graduate students from UC Merced’s three schools will take the stage to compete in the...
Riverside City Manager and UC Merced grad student Mike Futrell
Glancing at Mike Futrell’s resume, one might ask, “What hasn’t he done?” He is a retired United States Navy captain with two submarine tours under his belt and 26 years of...
Two female grad students
UC Merced graduate students Anuvetha Govindarajan and Jocelyn Ornelas-Munoz have each received a $25,000 fellowship from SandboxAQ, which creates solutions at the nexus of artificial...
UC Merced student pose for a photo. The image reads, "Give to UC Merced. We did it! Boldly Forward. Thank you for your commitment to the University of California Mrced."
Hundreds of UC Merced supporters made it crystal clear they believe in the university's mission, giving a record-breaking amount to support current Bobcats and other members of the campus...


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