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Economic Impact

February 13, 2025

UC Merced has assumed its place in the top echelon of research institutions in the nation by earning R1 status from Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The announcement was made Thursday morning by the American Council on Education and comes less than 20 years after the...
Chemistry Professor Jason Hein and his students make a lot of compounds in the lab. They also make a lot of chemical waste. But Hein found a way to clean up the waste and reuse it, saving money and...
Research is the hallmark of the University of California, which develops more patents than any other university in the nation. And as the system’s newest campus, UC Merced is continuing to conduct...
With evidence mounting that the San Joaquin Valley economy is finally gaining strength, the University of California, Merced, today announced that it continues to do its part, investing more than $...
The University of California, Merced, has contributed approximately $650 million to the San Joaquin Valley economy since the campus began initial operations in July 2000, the university reported ...
With student enrollment expected to top the 5,000 mark this fall, faculty research projects winning major new grants and making national headlines, and intercollegiate athletics about to begin, the...


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