UC Merced is an extraordinary place in need of a leader who understands the challenges and opportunities that make the campus unique. Faculty, staff, students and alumni are invited to a series of town hall sessions to lend their voices to the creation of the position profile that will be used to attract highly qualified candidates.
The goal of these sessions, hosted by the search advisory committee, is to gather input from the broader campus community on what qualities and experiences candidates should possess to effectively lead the University of California’s newest campus. Sessions will take place in the California Room on Oct. 2 at the following times:
- 9 to 10 a.m. — Faculty
- 11 a.m. to noon — Staff
- 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. — Students (graduate and undergraduate)
- 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. — Students (graduate and undergraduate)
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend any session that suits their schedule, even if not at the designated time for their stakeholder group.
The event flier can be downloaded here.
An Exploration of Challenges and Opportunities
To prepare for the town hall sessions and provide the search advisory committee with the best information possible about the campus, region and its community, everyone is encouraged to consider the greatest challenges and opportunities facing UC Merced in the areas of research excellence, student success and public service.
Feedback received during the town hall sessions and information gleaned during the committee’s visit to campus will be combined to develop priority considerations for the next chancellor.
This feedback will also help to refine the position profile, which will be posted publicly on the chancellor search website and shared with prospective candidates. This profile offers a compelling description of UC Merced’s history, mission and competitive teaching and research environment, as well as a realistic picture of the challenges, opportunities, measures of success, and ideal qualifications for the new chancellor.
Attend in Person or View Online
For the convenience of all campus community members, the town hall sessions will be broadcast live online and recorded for later viewing. Links to the live broadcasts will be shared closer to the Oct. 2 event date.
Remote viewers will not be able to submit feedback during the town hall broadcast. All members of the UC Merced community are invited to share their perspectives anonymously via an online survey form or by emailing the hiring firm directly at MercedChancellor@imsearch.com.
The chancellor search website will be updated throughout the process, with information and links to search-related resources and email accounts.