Get ready to break out your “Flashdance” leg warmers and wear your sunglasses at night: Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) is here, and it’s taking UC Merced back to the ‘80s.
This year’s festivities celebrate UC Merced’s hard-working and awesome staff members and pays homage to the decade of big hair, Rubik’s Cube and MTV while looking ahead as the campus continues to build its future.
“Staff Appreciation Week is a great way to get out of the office for good food, fun, and to engage with colleagues and meet some new ones,” said Staff Assembly President Jeff Porto Jr.
This year’s list of things to do includes tried-and-true favorites such as the staff breakfast and picnic, ice cream social and UC Walks along with new activities that include Bobcat Yoga, a trivia contest and a new tour of the campus’s community garden. The full SAW schedule is posted on the Staff Assembly website.
Registration closed for the picnic events last week.Those who were unable to register for the picnic are encouraged to attend but may not be guaranteed a meal, so feel free to bring your lunch.
Also new this year: scheduled SAW activities for staff members who work swing shifts so they, too, will feel appreciated during their late or early-morning work hours.
In honor the ‘80s theme, here’s a David Letterman-style “Top 10 Things Staff Need to Know About SAW” list:
1. Bring your CatCard to all activities, especially the staff breakfast, ice cream social and picnic, as registration is required.
2. If you pre-ordered a 2018 SAW T-shirt, you can pick it up today (May 14) from 2 to 4 p.m. in the first-floor Lantern or in KL 355 during Tuesday’s staff breakfast.
3. Parking will be relaxed in Bellevue Lot only May 15-18. Off-campus staff traveling to campus for SAW events are encouraged to carpool.
4. All tours are full so arrive early if you pre-registered. Late comers: You could lose your spot to a “stand-by” if you’re not there on time. If you reserved a spot but can’t make it, please notify Melanie Cooper ahead of time.
5. Make like Madonna and dress your department up for an ‘80s office decorating contest. Voting takes place online and the winner will be announced during Friday’s picnic. Entries will be judged on creativity, collaboration, diversity, inclusion and engagement. The contest entry form opens at 7 a.m. Tuesday and closes at 11 a.m. Thursday.
6. Say goodbye to the physical games and hello to the Bobcat Trivia competition. Assemble a team and show how much you know about UC Merced for a chance to win prizes. Game rules are posted on the Staff Assembly website. The entry form opens at 7 a.m. Tuesday and closes at 2 p.m. Thursday.
7. Share your pictures in the Staff Appreciation Week 2018 photo album .
8. Be, like, totally social and share your pictures and comments using the hashtag #ucmsaw2018 .
9. Did you know that Staff Assembly activities are considered an official university function and as such, release time to participate is addressed in the UC Office of the President’s Guidelines for Relations with Employee Associations/Advisory Groups and the UC Merced Staff Assembly bylaws .
10. Be there or be square.