UC Merced recognized just over 150 employees who’ve achieved milestone anniversaries at the campus’s Celebrating Service recognition ceremony held Jan. 12 in the Leo and Dottie Kolligian Library.
The annual event honored staff members’ anniversaries both at the campus and system levels. Professional staff members are rewarded for every five years of their service. They receive a crystal award recognizing service to UC Merced and a pin or paperweight recognizing service to the University of California outside of UC Merced.
A joint effort by the Office of the Chancellor, Human Resources and Staff Assembly, the event included breakfast and a formal presentation of awards.
If you reached a service milestone but did not receive an invitation to attend the ceremony, don’t fret. Awards are tabulated based on months served as of June 30 each year. If you believe an error has occurred in your service accrual, contact Human Resources at hr@ucmerced.edu.
Here is a full list of employees honored at the ceremony:
25 years UC Award
- Elizabeth Capehart, Contracts and Real Estate Services
20 years UC Award
- Belay Tekalign, Information Technology Services
- Belinda Braunstein, Undergraduate Education
- Jennifer Biancucci, External Relations
- Le'Trice Curl, Student Life
- Yulduz Akhmedzanova, Information Technology Services
15 years UC Award and UC Merced Award
- Diane Caton, Administrative Coordination Team
- Edson Gonzales, Information Technology Services
- George Van Vleet IV, Physical Plant Operations
- Jacqueline Mendez, Procurement Services
- Jose Magana, Information Technology Services
- Joseph Ramos, Physical Operations, Planning and Development
- Kyler Laird, School Of Engineering
- Marianna Eastman, General Accounting
- Min Jiang, Facilities Operations
- Sandra Rodriguez, School Of Engineering
- Shannon Adamson, School of Natural Sciences
15 years UC Award
- Deborah Motton, Research and Economic Development
- Georgie Smith, Admissions
- Gigi Marr-Mitchell, External Relations
- James Nardello, Transportation Parking and Services
- Jorge Aguilar, Center for Educational Partnerships
- Luanna Putney, Ethics and Compliance
- Melissa Tatham, Research and Economic Development
- Nicholas Dugan, Information Technology Services
- Nicholas Hansard, Information Technology Services
15 years UC Merced Award
- Sam Traina, Research and Economic Development
10 years UC Award and UC Merced Award
- Alicia Bellusci, Treasury, Banking and Cashiering Services
- Andres Sanchez, Physical Plant Operations
- Arvin Tumonong, Financial Aid
- Blanca Jimenez, Facilities Operations
- Brenda Ortiz, External Relations
- Brenton Patrick, University Library
- Bryan Bell, Central Plant Operations
- Carla Hunt, Administrative Coordination Team
- Carlos Estrada, Facilities Operations
- Carlos Pena, Facilities Operations
- Charles Nies, Student Affairs
- Christina Mayo-Hessler, School of Engineering
- Emily Bustos, Central Payroll Services
- Erica Robbins, School of Natural Sciences
- Erin Webb, Office of the Registrar
- Esther Magana Buie, School of Natural Sciences
- Frank Flores, Facilities Operations
- Gary Lowe, Institutional Research And Decision Support
- Jason Juarez, Bright Success Center
- Jaymz Harkey, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Jenny Duenas, Financial Management and Controls
- Jesse Estrada, Recreation and Athletics
- Jody Gonzales, Ethics and Compliance
- Joshua Swink, Information Technology Services
- Karin Groth, Transportation and Parking Services
- Katherine Brown, Office of the Registrar
- Laura Martin, Academic Senate
- Lisa Neely, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
- Ganesh Chand, Facilities Operations
- Maria Lilia Gonzalez Cruz, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Melanie Cooper, External Relations
- Michelle Snyder, Human Resources
- Patricia Zarco, Center For Educational Partnerships
- Pauline Sahakian, Writing Project
- Petia Gueorguieva, School of Natural Sciences
- Phung Colvin, School Of Engineering
- Rena Schneider, Financial Aid
- Renu Nandkishore, Research and Economic Development
- Robert Godinez, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Rubi Turner, Human Resources
- See Chang, CatCard Services
- Shannon Rogina, External Relations
- Sherry Ward, Administrative Coordination Team
- Sofia Mortera, School of Natural Sciences
- Steven Roach, Fire and Building Safety
- Wayne Downing, Physical Plant Operations
10 years UC Award
- Catherine Oliver, Student Life
- Elisabeth Gunther, Office of Legal Affairs
- Jason Martin, Business and Finance Strategic Initiatives
- Kerry Clifford, Office of Institutional Assessment
- Michael Riley, Business and Financial Services
- Rachael Martin, Human Resources
10 years UC Merced Award
- Adriana Gonzalez, Undergraduate Education
- Deidre Acker, Office of Campus Climate
- Ramona Dai're, Real Estate Services
- Tony Smullen, Administrative Coordination Team
- Tsu Ya, Graduate Division
- Victor Zaragoza, Central Plant Operations
Five years UC Award and UC Merced Award
- Abraham Cereno, CatCard Services
- Aimee Rank, Counseling and Psychological Services
- Allison Costa, Real Estate Services
- Amelia Bomhoff, Center for Educational Partnerships
- Ana Barragan, Custodial Services
- Andrea McDowell, Human Resources
- Angela Dixon, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
- Annie Morgan, Research and Economic Development
- April Graves, Office of the Provost
- April Wheeler, Information Technology Services
- Becky Gubser, Academic Personnel
- Becky Mirza, Internal Affairs
- Brandi Masasso, Internal Audit
- Brandon Boggs, Health Services
- Brian Chambers, Transportation and Parking Services
- Bryan Spielman, Physical Plant Operations
- Daniel Lepe, Center for Educational Partnerships
- Darcey Wiens, Health Services
- Darryl Davis, Police and Public Safety
- Diana Campos, Health Services
- Drew Shelburne, Disability Services
- Dulcemaria Anaya, Bright Success Center
- Emily Langdon, Student Affairs
- Erin Stacy, Sierra Nevada Research Institute
- Geraldina Espinoza, Center for Educational Partnerships
- Hannah Brown, Recreation and Athletics
- Heather Jackson, School of Engineering
- Jacob Croasdale, Career Services
- Jennifer Carrero, Early Childhood Education Center
- Jennifer Di Salvo, Financial Management and Controls
- John Holtz, Human Resources
- Jorge Wario Amezquita, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Jose Serrano, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Josh Lutz, Police and Public Safety
- Justin McConnell, Physical Plant Operations
- Kevin Warkentin, Police and Public Safety
- Larry Rodriguez, Student Business Services
- Lauren Hogan, Financial Aid
- Linda Nascimento, Health Science Research Institute
- Lorena Anderson, External Relations
- Lori Callaway, Equipment Management
- Maria Leyva, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Martin Sanchez Mendez, Auxiliaries-Bookstore
- Mayra Chavez-Franco, Graduate Division
- Mohammad Zaidi, Information Technology Services
- Nou Yang, Early Childhood Education Center
- Onar Primitivo, Student Life
- Pamela Leonard, School of Engineering
- Patrick Hunt, External Relations
- Phillip Woods, Real Estate Services
- Rafael Flores, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Randy Rogge, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Regina Brigham, School of Natural Sciences
- Robert Goodman, Career Services
- Robert Masasso, Recreation and Athletics
- Ruby Cahue, Health Services
- Shane Middleton, Information Technology Services
- Sonal Gadre, Research and Economic Development Administration
- Stefanie Fernandes, Auxiliaries-Housing/Dining
- Todd Harris, Procurement Services
- Todd Kucker, Internal Audit
- Vanessa Woodruff, School of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts
- Veronica Martinez, Custodial Services
- William J. Hoppe, Facilities Operations
Five years UC Award
- Peter Schuerman, Research and Economic Development
Five years UC Merced Award
- Amy Purcell, Financial Aid
- Lisa Hua, Central Payroll Services
- Steven Lerer, Career Services