- During October, the Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) Office organized “UC Merced CAREs Boxes,” a community service project to support the Valley Crisis Center. In all, campus departments and individuals collaborated to donate 32 boxes filled with new clothing, self-care products and personal hygiene items for survivors of domestic violence.
- The campus’ Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) hosted “Sock-tober,” a sock drive competition between athletic teams. The teams collected 2,217 new and gently worn pairs of socks for homeless people in Merced. The UC Merced women’s basketball team donated 769 pairs to win the competition. The socks were given to the Merced County Community Action Agency.
- UC Merced’s Staff Assembly organized two events. During a Fall Staff Social and Canned Food Drive, staff members donated more than 300 items for the UC Merced Food Pantry. In late October, the group participated in a Poppies Galore project. Staff members glazed ceramic poppies that will be part of a community art project at Bob Hart Square in downtown Merced. Eighty-nine campus members donated money to glaze poppies. Proceeds benefited the Valley Crisis Center and Room at the Inn.
- Transportation, Parking and Fleet Services (TAPS) launched a canned food drive in November to help “drive out hunger in Merced.” The drive collected approximately 300 nonperishable goods that were donated to the Merced County Food Bank.
Brenda Ortiz

Senior Public Information Representative
Office: (209) 228-4203
Mobile: (209) 628-8263