Air Quality Index update as of 10 a.m.
At this time, our Air Quality Index (AQI) is 34, which is considered moderate.
The air pollution district yesterday had forecasted an AQI above 150 for the Merced area, but our actual AQI remains far below that estimate at this time. Therefore, the campus remains open and classes are not canceled. As mentioned earlier, outdoor activities have been canceled.
We recommend the following actions for students, faculty and staff with sensitive conditions:
- Students with such conditions should notify instructors of the reason for your absence. Instructors will assist you in making up missed work.
- Staff with such conditions should notify their supervisors, who will provide you with options for working at home or, if that is not possible, making up missed work or taking sick leave.
- Those concerned about changes to air quality throughout the day can find hourly updates from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. Please note that other websites and pages contain information that might not be accurate or current.
We will continue to provide masks that filter out smoke particles to students, faculty and staff at the following locations: Students First Center, Kolligian Library Room 222, Student Health Center, and the Valley Terrace Housing Office. For today, Transportation and Parking Services have coordinated a shuttle from Bellevue Lot to Muir Pass between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. to help reduce the walk for individuals impacted by current air conditions.
We will continue to closely monitor the air quality in and around Merced, in consultation with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and medical professionals in the area. We are also coordinating our efforts with our local educational colleagues, including Merced College and our K-8 community, based upon expert medical advice.
If you experience any emergent respiratory symptoms, please call 911, and please report any immediate public safety concerns to 209-228-2677 (on campus) or 911 (off campus). Students who are experiencing non-urgent respiratory symptoms are encouraged to call the student health center for an appointment at 209-228-2273.