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COVID-19: Update on Academic Operations

March 10, 2020
Dear Students,
We continue to monitor and assess the risk of COVID-19 transmission. As of today, there is no reason for us to suspend ordinary academic activity.
This decision comes after careful review of our local situation and following consultation with health professionals in Merced County and within the University of California system.
Faculty members have been asked to talk to their students about the possibility of a disruption to academic operations and the options for continuity of coursework. This could involve the use of CatCourses or Zoom.
We will continue to monitor this evolving situation and update the campus community. We realize these are times of uncertainty and concern and we thank you for your patience as we navigate these challenges together.
We continue to post updated information on our Emergency Management website . The site also has an FAQ and a button to allow you to submit questions, which will be responded to quickly.
Please continue to watch out for and support one another. As always, our community is our greatest source of strength.
Charles Nies
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs