April 6, 2020
To: All faculty and TAs
April 6, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
Spring classes resumed last week, and we are impressed with how well faculty are engaging their students in new, innovative ways. We acknowledge the challenges you have faced in making the move toward remote learning, and we appreciate the pivot you have executed in such a short time and under immense pressure.
Local health officials are predicting the peak in Merced to be in mid-June. Therefore, we have made the decision to continue remote instruction for Summer Session. Making this decision allows us to move forward with a plan and certainty about how to deliver programming to our students.
Please continue to utilize the Educational Continuity for Faculty website for tools and resources for continued success in this new learning environment. Resources are continually being updated in response to user questions and needs.
Thank you for your continued flexibility and willingness to do what it takes to continue to provide excellence in education. We greatly appreciate your efforts!
Gregg Camfield
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Tom Hansford
Academic Senate Chair