April 6, 2020
To: All undergraduate and graduate students
April 6, 2020
Dear UC Merced Students,
Spring classes resumed last week, and we appreciate your adapting to remote instruction as you engage with your faculty in new, innovative ways. We continue to respond to updated information and make decisions with a focus on your success.
New information from local health officials predicts the peak of the COVID-19 cases in Merced to be in June. Therefore, we have made the decision to continue remote instruction for all sessions of Summer Session. Making this decision allows all of us to move forward with a plan and certainty about how to deliver a quality educational experience for you.
If you have questions, please contact the staff in Summer Session. You may also direct specific questions about summer housing or access to resources and technology for summer by contacting those offices.
We greatly appreciate your efforts as we transition. We believe that this is the best option as we continue to focus on everyone’s well-being.
Take care,
Charles Nies
Vice Chancellor
Student Affairs