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COVID-19 Related Leaves and Job Protections Guidance

April 15, 2020
To: All staff and faculty
April 14, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
UC Systemwide Human Resources has released information that compares federal and UC plans for various leaves available to policy-covered and represented employees, including federal paid leave plans part of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act signed into law March 18 by President Donald Trump.
There are three COVID-19 related paid administrative leave options: UC Expanded Paid Administrative Leave, FFCRA Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL), and Expanded Family and Medical Leave (EFML). The plans differ by time covered, required UC service, and how and for what purposes the leave time can be used.
The council also provides extensive questions and answers about the use of paid leave, sick leave, UC-provided health benefits during the COVID-19 crisis and the April 2 announcement regarding no layoffs of career employees related to COVID-19 through the end of the fiscal year on June 30.
If you have questions, please contact Human Resources at
Nicole Pollack
Chief Human Resources Officer
UC Merced