Dear Campus Community,
We are actively monitoring the air quality in and around Merced, in consultation with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. As of 4 p.m. today, the air quality is not unhealthy, though it could create issues for those in sensitive groups.
We will continue to monitor air quality reports and provide updated messages. No campus activities have been canceled at this time, but we will notify the campus community if conditions should worsen.
Please take caution and stay indoors where possible. Avoid outdoor activities, if possible. Children, the elderly and people with respiratory ailments are the most susceptible under these conditions. Masks are available at the following locations: Students First Center, Kolligian Library Room 222, Student Health Center, and the Valley Terrace Housing Office.
If you experience any emergent respiratory symptoms, please call 911, and please report any immediate public safety concerns to 209-228-2677 (on campus) or 911 (off campus). Students who are experiencing non-urgent respiratory symptoms are encouraged to call the student health center for an appointment at 209-228-2273.
Air quality updates are available at . Any significant impacts to the campus will be posted to, and the UCM Alert notification system will be activated.
Thank you,
Chou Her
Chief of Police