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October 5, 2009
When UC Merced began classes in August, more than 1,000 new students entered campus. Each student has a story to tell; each is unique in his or her own way. But this year, there are 15 students who stand out from the rest. Those students are the recipients of UC Merced’s Regents Scholarships, the...
October 5, 2009
When UC Merced began classes in August, more than 1,000 new students entered campus. Each student has a story to tell; each is unique in his or her own way. But this year, there are 15 students who stand out from the rest. Those students are the recipients of UC Merced’s Regents Scholarships, the...
October 1, 2009
MERCED, Calif. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that the University of California, Merced, has won California’s highest and most prestigious environmental honor — the Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA). UC Merced was one of 15 recipients honored at a reception...
September 28, 2009
The University of California, Merced has secured funding to create a center that would research health disparities in ethnic underserved populations and train students interested in health-related careers, officials announced today, Sept. 28. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has...
September 23, 2009
MERCED, CA — September 23, 2009 —Some members of the University of California faculty have called for a systemwide walkout by UC instructors on Thursday, Sept. 24, to protest the budget cuts, layoffs, furloughs and increased fees that have been implemented in response to the state’s dramatic cuts...
September 23, 2009
MERCED, CA — The University of California, Merced, will join the rest of the world in observing Stem Cell Awareness Day on Wednesday, Sept. 23. Research institutions, patient groups and educators from across the globe have planned activities to mark the day. The goal of Stem Cell Awareness Day is...
September 22, 2009
Financial concerns prevent many of our state’s top-performing students from attending college, but the University of California, Merced, is doing its best to ease that burden. To that end, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarshipsannounced today (Sept. 22) that 2,230 undergraduate students have...
September 21, 2009
MERCED - The University of California, Merced, will host an evening with internationally renowned economist W. Brian Arthur on Sept. 24. Arthur, external professor at the Santa Fe Institute and visiting researcher at the Palo Alto Research Center’s Intelligent Systems Lab, will discuss his new...
September 21, 2009
Every student comes to UC Merced with a dream. Whether it is to become an engineer, a teacher, a lawyer or a veterinarian, students come to gain a University of California education and aspire to make a difference when they leave. Since 2002, regional leaders, faculty, staff, alumni and friends...
September 21, 2009
Every student comes to UC Merced with a dream. Whether it is to become an engineer, a teacher, a lawyer or a veterinarian, students come to gain a University of California education and aspire to make a difference when they leave. Since 2002, regional leaders, faculty, staff, alumni and friends...
