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October 24, 2017
Open access is a publishing model premised on the idea that scholarly research should be freely accessible to anyone with internet access. UC Merced has staked its claim as a member of the open access vanguard, as one of just five of American universities to have signed on to the OA2020 Expression...
October 24, 2017
Traditional UC Merced events — Homecoming, Preview Day and Family Weekend, plus the Chancellor’s Scholars recognition ceremony — came together for a first-of-its-kind bundle of activities that highlighted the campus for current and prospective students, alumni, family members and...
October 23, 2017
Topics ranging from ethnobotany, public health and feminism to agriculture, urban growth and social movements are among the highlights of the Mesoamerican Studies Center’s upcoming conference at UC Merced. “Mesoamericans in California: Immigrants’ Resistance, Social Movements,...
October 19, 2017
The Associated Students of UC Merced (ASUCM) Sustainability Council will host UC Merced Sustainability Week Oct. 23-27, during national Campus Sustainability Month. An entire week of events will celebrate the campus’s sustainability efforts and help raise awareness. Eco Movie Night...
October 19, 2017
Open Enrollment for University of California benefits begins at 8 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, and ends at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 21. Staff and faculty are encouraged to take this time to review the available options to see whether their current plan still meets their needs or if a change is in order....
October 18, 2017
If you’ve ever wondered why people stand where they do on the political spectrum, science might have at least part of the answer: People can be biologically predisposed to certain feelings toward politics and society. A new paper lead-authored by UC Merced graduate student Chelsea Coe...
October 18, 2017
Started in 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is observed in October across the nation. UC Merced’s Campus Advocacy, Resources and Education (CARE) Office is hosting events and programs to help raise awareness and support...
October 17, 2017
We may be halfway through October, but the Office of Information Technology (OIT)is ramping up its efforts to educate the campus community as part of Cyber Security Awareness Month. OIT staff kicked off the campaign with an all-day seminar last week, but has more in store. For instance, UC Merced...
October 17, 2017
Sarvani Chadalapaka, the high-performance computing (HPC) administrator for UC Merced’s Office of Information Technology, has been named one of six Inclusivity Initiative Scholarship recipients by the nonprofit group Internet 2. She is the only one of the six to earn the additional...
October 16, 2017
Political science students are invited to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the unit’s founding with a special student-oriented event from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Oct. 18 in the Classroom and Office Building 2, Room 390. The event gives students the opportunity to meet with their faculty members...
