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COVID-19: Research Ramp Down

March 18, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

The COVID-19 pandemic is requiring constant adjustment and change for everyone. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as our operations continue to adjust in response to current recommendations and requirements.

Effective immediately, each principal investigator (PI) or research group leader of a laboratory research program (experimental, computational or otherwise) should prepare a strategy to ramp down campus laboratory research activities, with the expectation that if a closure occurs, suspended lab access will likely last at least six to eight weeks.

If a campus closure is ordered by government officials, the default assumption is that all research activities will cease by a time designated in the closure order, unless that research is deemed essential and those individuals conducting that research are designated as essential research personnel. All PIs will have the opportunity to request that their research activities be designated as essential.

Please review this detailed memo for information on research operations, essential classification and how to proceed. A checklist is also available to help you prepare for a potential campus closure.


Nathan Brostrom

Interim Chancellor

Gregg Camfield

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Sam Traina

Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development